Given the weather we have had for the last week, it may be kind of hard to imagine that Maine beach season is just around the corner, but it is definitely on the way!

Sadly, we’ve gotten to a point where nearly all of us are being affected by the current rate of inflation.  Even the upper middle class cringe just a little bit when they gas up their vehicles or go to the store.  It was bound to happen, though.  S the price of gas (and diesel) increases, so does the cost of anything that needs to be shipped.  And, pretty much everything needs to be shipped!

Some people are, rightfully, concerned that the current rate of inflation is going to cause issues for Maine’s tourist trade.  Personally, I think that we are not going to be hit that hard because Maine does tend to be an affordable place to go for vacation.  Many of the families that would have taken a trip to the theme parks of Orlando, the beaches of Hawaii, or a cruise will instead opt for the much cheaper destination of the Pine Tree State.  The same thing happened back in 2008 / 2009.  Hopefully, as our hospitality industry continues to rebound, this is exactly what happens.

Dominique Lelievre / Unsplash
Dominique Lelievre / Unsplash

If we get slammed by tourists, the State of Maine will make big bucks off fees associated with the state's four dozen parks.

On that assumption, wouldn't it be great if the State of Maine waived the fees for our beaches and state parks?  The state will, no doubt, be making piles of cash off all of the visitors, so why not pass some of that good will on to the residents of the state?

Currently, depending on where you go, fees range from about $4 per person to $8 per person.  Smaller children (ages 5 to 11) are $1.  Younger than 5 are free.  There is also a small discount for being a resident.

Check out the entire fee list HERE.

Sure, that does not seem like much, but if you have a larger family, that can really add up.  This is especially true in an economy where people are trying to limit the amount of gas they put in their vehicles.

What is your opinion?  Let us know by sending us a message through our app or on Facebook.

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