With the snow we've received from mother nature recently, my kids and I have been spending a ton of time outside playing in it. Snowball fights, building snowmen, and eating snow with them brought me back to my childhood.

One of my favorite childhood memories involved making homemade ice cream out of snow. So, I took some time and shared this delicious little sweet treat that I used to love so much with them. And the best part is all you need is four simple ingredients.

I hope you and your family enjoy this fun recipe as much as mine does!


  • 1 Can of Sweetened Condensed Cream
  • 1 Cup of Sugar
  • 1 TBS of Vanilla
  • 8 Cups of Snow (NOT THE YELLOW)


  • Get your ingredients ready
  • Measure everything out
  • Pour the sugar into the sweetened condensed milk
  • Add vanilla and mix
  • Mix until the sugar, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla are thoroughly mixed
  • Pour mixture over the snow and mix
  • Tada! Your Snow Ice Cream is done
  • Add your favorite toppings 
  • ENJOY!!




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