
Maine Ranks in the Top 10 Best States for Working Moms
Maine Ranks in the Top 10 Best States for Working Moms
Maine Ranks in the Top 10 Best States for Working Moms
The ongoing challenge of affordable childcare continues. It's a daily struggle that affects families across the country, including here in Maine. With that said, this article may come as a little early Mother's Day gift, bringing a sigh of relief to working moms here in Maine.
Man Finally Fired After Missing Work For 25 Years
Man Finally Fired After Missing Work For 25 Years
Man Finally Fired After Missing Work For 25 Years
A man in India hasn’t shown up for work for the past 25 years and finally gets fired. A.K. Verma went home sick one day in 1990 and never came back to work. He tried to take an extension of leave but was denied so he just didn’t come in.
Facebook Can Now Help You Get a Job
Facebook Can Now Help You Get a Job
Facebook Can Now Help You Get a Job
Don't just update your status—update your résumé. Facebook has just released a Social Jobs App that will allow people to search job listings from a multitude of sites like Monster and DirectEmployers.

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