When Will Skyrocketing Lobster Prices Go Down?
If you are a fan of lobsters, as I am, you may have noticed the price of lobster soaring as of late. While it's pretty typical in late spring fro prices to be a little higher due to supply and demand, and the simple fact that many summer lobster harvesters are just getting their boats in the water.
When I checked my local fish monger, Delano's Seafood, they had a cash n carry sale for softshell Lobsters at $6.99lb and the Culls at $6.59lb (one claw). Last week that was a dollar more a pound. Granted living right by the source helps get a better price as some stores are selling at $15+ per pound. Ouch!
With the influx of restaurants reopening and summer traveling looking to be quite robust lobster may be in general a little pricier this year but don't get discouraged. You can expect things to even out in a few weeks.
If you just can't wait, I've been told Red's Eats will set you back $32 for a lobster roll. I think i'll sit that one out.
Just keep in mind the season is early, and your best bet is always to go as local and as close to the resource as possible, even right off the boat!
Have a great summer, and may the lobster be with you!
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