Winthrop Public Schools To Cap Remote Learners At 100
It looks like more changes could be coming for families in the Winthrop area.
According to the KJ, Winthrop Public Schools have decided to put a cap on the amount of students that can participate in their remote learning "cohort".
According to Superintendent James Hodgkin, there are two reasons for the setting a capacity limit.
The first reason deals with staffing. The five staffers hired to handle the remote learners are being paid for by coronavirus relief funds. Those funds are set to expire on December 30th. Each teacher has a minimum of around 17 students in the elementary level and around 23 at the middle school level. High school students tune into their classes virtually at the same time as the in-person students attended. Hodgkin was able to shift some funds around in order to keep those teachers for the remainder of the school year. However, there is no money to hire additional educators.
At this time, there are about 100 students learning remotely. The new cap is expected to kick-in when school returns on January 4th.
In a better place than some Maine school districts, Winthrop schools are currently offering in-class learning four days a week.
In addition to the staffing issues, there has also been talk of returning to in-class learning five days a week "next year".
READ MORE: See how some companies are changing their businesses to combat COVID-19
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