WMTW’s Ted McInerney Will Be Live From An Augusta School Thursday
For the last few years, the meteorology team at Portland's WMTW (Channel 8) have been doing a unique program that educates elementary and middle school aged kids about the science of weather.
Spearheaded by Ted McInerney, the weather team visits Maine schools throughout the school year. The visits typically start with McInerney doing his weather reports live from the parking lot. Following the morning show, he does a presentation for one of the classes.
This Thursday, September 23rd, he'll be at Augusta's Gilbert Elementary School. His broadcast will start at 4:30 AM. Starting at 6 AM, kids can stop by to say hi to him. However, as school personnel will not be available that early, parents will need to accompany their children.
Following his morning broadcasts, McInerney will be doing a presentation about the science of weather for the school's fifth graders. The presentation, of course, is not open to the public.
If you're an educator and you'd like to have them visit your school, you can get more details about the program HERE
Here is a video of meteorologist Ted McInerney in action:
Sounds like fun!
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