Wood Stove Safety Tips
Tis the season. No, not the holiday season but the season to use your wood stove. Truth be told one of mine has been going since the middle of November. Nothing like wood heat to make you feel all warm and cozy on the long winter days.
I actually have two stoves. There is one in my sunroom which is used daily then the beast is in the basement. The beast is perfect for warming up the house on really cold days or when we lose power.
Since it is the season for wood stoves, it’s a great time to share some safety tips
Always keeps small children and pets away from the wood stove. Also, keep any flammable objects at least 3 feet away from your stove.
Always burn dry, seasoned wood. This helps to prevent creosote build up.
Make sure your wood stove and chimney are inspected annually and that your chimney is cleaned as well.
Remove your ashes regularly and remember it can take several days for them to cool off. Keep them in a fire proof container until they can be disposed of properly.
Don’t forget the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure if you have them they are in good working order.
Enjoy those wood stoves and safety first.
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