Atwood Primary School End Of Year Reverse Parade
I am so thankful for a job that allows me to interact with the community whether it's parades, live events, interviews, you name it I'm thankful for it. I genuinely love getting out into the community so, when Atwood Primary School students decided to throw a reverse parade for the teachers and let us join in on the fun there was no way I was missing out.
As adults our whole world had been flipped upside down over the past several months due to the coronavirus pandemic. But can you just imagine how children are feeling?. At the drop of a dime their lives changed from a consistent schedule of a School day to not seeing their friends or teachers.
By the 3rd week of March most local schools had to close due to safety guidelines put in place by the CDC and Governor Mills. Virtual classes took place of in class instruction and it left staff and students unable to have the chance at a formal farewell. Educators didn't let a pandemic stop them though, they just shifted focus and found new ways to still make sure students succeeded.
This was the most amazing parade I've been a part of, it wasn't a traditional parade this one allowed students and their parents to decorate their cars with "good-byes" and "see you next year" posters as they drove and said their good byes at a distance.
At first I couldn't believe how many students and staff came out to make the night the success it was and then I saw the happiness on their faces. Not only did the students need this farewell but I believe the amazing staff at Atwood needed it more.

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