Community Warming Center In Augusta Opening Monday November 30th
It might by all technicality be Fall, but the temperatures outside are feeling a whole lot more like Winter, and as we approach December, it's just going to get colder. If you or someone you know doesn't have a place to stay warm during the cold Winter days, send them over to the Community Warming Center.
According to Bridging the Gap Center for Resources, Essentials Pantry & Clothing Bank Facebook page, they're opening the Community Warming Center for the season on Monday, November 30th. The Community Warming Center will be open Monday thru Friday each week from 9 am to 3 pm.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, floor space will be limited this year to make sure to stay within the CDC recommended guidelines.
At this time, the warming center will be available to...
1. Those who are homeless (this includes staying at a homeless shelter).2. Those who do not have heat (will work with you to resolve this).3. Caseworkers and Peer Support Workers who need space to meet with individuals.
It is time! After lots of planning, re-organizing the space and working with a public health nurse, the COMMUNITY...
Posted by Bridging the Gap Center for Resources, Essentials Pantry & Clothing Bank on Tuesday, November 24, 2020
The Community Warming Center will close on March 31st, 2021, and as of now, they're planning on staying open for the full season.
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