Congrats To The Winner Of Windsor Fairs 2020 Poster Contest
The Windsor Fair has been a staple in the community bringing friends, family and entertainment together since 1888. Even though the Windsor Fairs board of trustees made the official decision to cancel the 2020 Fair due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have still decided to go head with the official 2020 Windsor Fair poster contest.
According to the Windsor Fair facebook page, the 2020 Windsor Fair poster contest had started long before the pandemic began, so they felt it should still go on. This year's 2020 Windsor Fair poster contest winner is Keith Peters from Farmingdale, Maine. Congratulations, Keith! You made one heck of a gorgeous poster!
Windsor Fair has decided to go ahead with the 2020 Windsor Fair Poster even though this year’s fair has been canceled. ...
Posted by Windsor Fair on Monday, June 8, 2020
If you would like to buy one of these gorgeous posters to add to your collection of other years posters, or maybe you want to buy one for the year the Windsor Fair wasn't. They are 21 dollars and you can purchase them right at Windsorfair.com
Congratulations again Keith!

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