A few years ago scientists found the skeletal remains and tools of early man. The remains were found in a South African cave about 30 miles northeast of Johannesburg and brought to the United States to study by a team of scientists from around the world. The facts of the study are now coming out and the teeth from the skull and tools date back about 2 million years. Because of the teeth, they were able to determine what type of diet these early humans had. Using a range of tools from dental picks to laser devices they were able to tell precisely what they ate.

Structures in plants get trapped in the plaque of teeth and by examining them, scientists were able to tell early man had a diet of fruits, tree bark, nuts, leaves, plants, and for protein, ate bugs. The findings show two million years ago man had a diet more ape-like than human-like. Researches did say this species of man had characteristics that were ape-like but human-like too. According to Professor Darryl de Ruiter at Texas A&M University, early man had access to more food sources than earlier thought. He also adds a lot more research is necessary to determine more of the habits and living areas of this species of early man.

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