After a few very mild weeks, it looks like winter is back with a vengeance!  Sure, that was a little bit dramatic, but it is true.  We have not had a lot of winter weather.  We had a couple of storms and a few REALLY cold days.  Other than that, though, we have had a lot of bare ground this winter.

It looks like that has started to change, though.  Over the last few weeks, we have had a handful of snow storms and we have more on the way.

Even though some of us are still cleaning up from Thursday's storm, meteorologists are already talking about the next storm.

According to the weather team at WGME, New England will get hit with its next storm on Monday night and Tuesday.  And, they are saying that some parts of Maine and New Hampshire could get hit with more snow than we got from the Thursday / Thursday night storm.  Not really hard to believe considering, at least here in Central Maine, we got way less snow than we were expecting to get.

Erik Mclean / Unsplash
Erik Mclean / Unsplash

While we don't yet have concrete snowfall estimates, is giving preliminary estimates of somewhere around eight inches for Southern and Western Maine and for New Hampshire.  At this point, they are calling for about 6+ inches for the Augusta / Waterville area.  Clearly, we are still a few days out, so that is likely to change.

We will keep you posted about snowfall total updates.

Oh yeah, keep in mind that, leading up to the storm, we're going to have a few days of brutal cold.  Tonight (Friday) and tomorrow night are going to be in the negative teens when you factor in the wind chill.  So, if you have to go out, BUNDLE UP!

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