Snow Pond In Sidney To Host Music & Brewfest
It's fair to say that 2021 is looking to be a much more promising year for outdoor events and activities.
Our good friends at Snow Pond Center for the Arts, in Sidney are so excited about finally being able to get out and join friends and family under the pines that they have announced a brand new event.... "Snow Pond on Tap" a craft brew & music festival slated for September 11th on beautiful Messalonskee Lake.
According to Snow Ponds "on tap" website, they are so excited to host the first Snow Pond On Tap with hopes to make this a new annual tradition. Of course if you have never been to Snow Pond Center for the Arts, it is home to one of Maine's largest outdoor amphitheaters and with the brand new renovations that have taken place it is going to be better than ever.
Live music by The Mallett Brothers Band, Muddy Ruckus, and Adam Ezra. Craft brews by Cushnoc, Ambition, Freedoms Edge Cider, Island Dog Brewing, Bigelow Brewing, Orchard Girls Cidery and more.
As Snow Pond says... come for the day, stay for the weekend! You can lock in your tickets online by going to SnowPondOnTap.com you can also get more info on overnight accommodations and brewer registration for the only lakeside brewfest in Maine! Mark it on the calendar now... September 11th....... "Snow Pond on Tap" a craft brew & music festival on beautiful Messalonskee Lake.
The Snow Pond Center for the Arts also will be having several free concerts every Saturday and Sunday in July and August by the New England Music Camp. Get more info by CLICKING HERE.

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