B98.5 & Central Church Blood Drive
It's back!
That's right, the second annual B98.5 & Central Church blood drive is back, and the need for blood is bigger than ever.
Please join us Friday, August 14th, from Noon to 5:00 pm at the CIVIC CENTER located here in Augusta. *Note new location as this event was set to take place at Central Chruch but moved to the Augusta Civic Center.
To ensure the safety of all volunteers and donors the Red Cross is asking that you pre-register for your appointment vs walk-ins. The pre-scheduled appointments will help manage the number of donors at one time as well as keeping them socially distant. Both staff and donors will be required to wear face coverings or masks and will have their temperatures checked before entering.
To pre-register for this event you can do so by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS, visit RedCrossBlood.org, or thru the Red Cross Donor App. Text "BLOODAPP" to 90999 to download the free app. Donating blood takes on average 1 hour of your day but could potentially give someone in need another shot at life.
Unfortunately due to the coronavirus pandemic, the majority of blood drives were either canceled or those donating blood didn't feel safe enough to donate. I'm here to reassure you that making a blood donation during this pandemic is just as safe, if not safer then donating blood pre-pandemic. If you are a healthy candidate to donate blood, it's totally safe and you'll be helping those in need.

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