Okay, so maybe it was not the kind of fountain you'd see outside the Bellagio Casino in Vegas, but it was kind of crazy to see water bubbling up out of the drain!

After a drought that lasted several years, many people were really happy that we started the spring of 2023 with a higher than average amount of rain.  But, then, the rain continued through all of the spring.  Then, it continued to rain through most of the summer.  By this point, we are all very sick of the rain.  Right?

Well, after enjoying several days of really nice weather, we were back to the rain at the beginning of the week.  We had a few showers yesterday (Monday), but we got slammed with rain today.

It started overnight with a lengthy rain storm.  It did let up for a bit early this morning but, by 8 AM, it was back to raining.  Throughout most of the morning and midday, Central Maine got hammered with heavy rain and downpours.

Apparently, it was a little too much for some storm drains.

At one point, I looked outside our offices here in Augusta and noticed what looked like a river running through the parking lot.  The "river" flowed downhill, creating a whirlpool at the drain in the middle of our parking lot.

Not really understanding where the water was coming from, I followed the "river" up the parking lot.  It turns out that one of the storm drains was taxed so much it had water flowing out of it instead of flowing into it.

Check it out:

Fortunately, as the rain had stopped, it only took a few minutes for the excess water to run down the drain.

Do you have any wild pictures of videos of the rain?  Send them to us through our app or on Facebook.

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