You Could Be The Next Owner Of This Airport In Maine. No, Really!
So, you're a pilot who is always looking for a place to store their plane? Or, maybe you are looking for a new investment opportunity? Or... You've always had dreams of being an airport mogul. You want to be the Donald Trump of the airport world!
Regardless of the reason, this could be a good opportunity for you.
In the small Maine town of Limington there is a fully functional airport for sale. Clearly, because it is located in rural Maine, it is no Logan International Airport. However, it is the perfect option for someone who wants to fly into Southern Maine or the White Mountains of New Hampshire, but does not want to deal with the Portland Jet Port.
The airport has one asphalt runway that is just under 3,000 feet in length. There are also several hanger buildings. There is even a restaurant on the property.
The place even has a couple of plows and a sweeper vehicle.
And, there is lots of room for expansion and more development. There are 4 pad sites where additional hangers can be constructed. In total, the property encompasses 43 acres of land.
The listing says, in part:
There are two hanger buildings of 14,520 SF each. The airport office building which is 6,600 SF with a 4,800 SF leased space with 1,800 SF remaining for the airport office. The leased restaurant building is 2,100 SF leaving two out buildings of 1,064 SF and 4,408 SF both fully leased. Rental income from multiple tenants shows 100% occupancy excepting the 1,800 SF management office.
Take a look
The current list price is $1,975,000. Get more details HERE
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